Camille Abate
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law

Mauricio Agudelo
Adjunct Professor of Law

Ivan Alter
Adjunct Professor of Law
Andrew Amer
Adjunct Professor of Law

Tariq Badat
Adjunct Professor of Law
Ernest Badway
Adjunct Professor of Law
Murali Balachandran
Adjunct Professor of Law
Jay Baris
Adjunct Professor of Law
Simon Batifort
Adjunct Professor of Law

Precious Benally
Adjunct Professor of Law
Deborah Berkman
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law

Vincent Bocchetti
Adjunct Professor of Law

David Boccio
Adjunct Professor of Law

Matthew Bova
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Margo Brodie
Adjunct Professor of Law
Vernon J. Brown
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Kevin Casey
Adjunct Professor of Law
Sidney Cherubin
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Hon. James Cho
Adjunct Professor of Law

Melissa Chua
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Lola Cohen
Adjunct Professor of Law

Ilona Coleman
Adjunct Professor of Law

Paul Cossu
Adjunct Professor of Law
Kevin Cremin
Adjunct Professor of Law
Coco Culhane
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Evelyn D'Angelo
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Matthew D’Emic
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Hon. George Daniels
Adjunct Professor of Law
Kathleen Darvil
Adjunct Professor of Law and Associate Librarian for Public Services
Jean Davis
Adjunct Professor of Law and Associate Librarian for International Law

Antoinette Delruelle
Adjunct Professor of Law

Louisa DeRose
Adjunct Professor of Law
David Dince
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Hon. Timothy Driscoll
Adjunct Professor of Legal Writing
Martin Edel
Adjunct Professor of Law

Diane Edelman
Director of International Program and Adjunct Professor of Law
Seth Eichenholtz
Adjunct Profesor of Clinical Law

Joshua English
Adjunct Professor of Law

Joseph P. Facciponti
Adjunct Professor of Law
Leslie Fagen
Adjunct Professor of Law
Brian Farkas
Adjunct Professor of Law
David Ferstendig
Adjunct Professor of Law
Marc Fleisher
Adjunct Professor of Law
Kelly Frantz
ESL Specialist
Rebecca Freedman
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law

Christopher Fromm
Adjunct Professor of Law
Harold Furchtgott-Roth
Adjunct Professor of Law
Glenn Garber
Adjunct Professor of Law
Joseph Giamboi
Adjunct Professor of Law

Michael Gibaldi
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Joshua Gold
Adjunct Professor of Law
Elizabeth Goldberg
Adjunct Professor of Law
David G. Greenfield
Adjunct Professor of Law
Roger Griesmeyer
Adjunct Professor of Legal Writing
Michael Grinthal
Adjunct Professor of Law
Matthew Guadagno
Adjunct Professor of Law

Sarah B. Hechtman
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Marcia M. Henry
Adjunct Professor of Law

Howard Hershenhorn
Adjunct Professor of Law
Barry Hochhauser
Adjunct Professor of Law
Lee Jacobs
Adjunct Professor of Law
Paul Jang
Adjunct Professor of Law
Darren Johnson
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Barry Kamins
Adjunct Professor of Law
Robin Kaver
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Steven Kayman
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Claire Kelly
Adjunct Professor of Law
Christopher Kende
Adjunct Associate Professor of Law
Mitchell Korbey
Adjunct Professor of Law
Laurie Korenbaum
Adjunct Professor of Law
Scott Korenbaum
Adjunct Professor of Law

Serge Krimnus
Adjunct Professor of Law
Jack Lienke
Adjunct Professor of Law
Mitchell Littman
Adjunct Professor of Law
Deirdre Lok
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Frank Loss
Adjunct Professor of Law
Ben Love
Adjunct Professor of Law
Thomas Lynch
Adjunct Professor of Law
Jeffrey Margolis
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Joseph A. Marutollo
Adjunct Professor of Law
Michael Mastrangelo
Adjunct Professor of Law
Olivera Medenica
Adjunct Professor of Law
Cyrus Mehta
Adjunct Professor of Law
Mark Merriman
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Rebecca Meyer
Adjunct Professor of Law

Michelle Minovi
Adjunct Professor of Law
Matthew Modafferi
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Meredith Morgan
Adjunct Professor of Law
Douglas Morris
Adjunct Professor of Law

Avery Neumark
Adjunct Professor of Law
Elliot Orol
Adjunct Professor of Law

Ambika Panday
Adjunct Professor of Law
Lewis Polishook
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Mark Potkewitz
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Michael Rachlin
Adjunct Professor of Law
Kenneth Raphael
Adjunct Professor of Legal Writing

Andrew Rausa
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Ramon Reyes
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Deborah E. Riegel
Adjunct Professor of Law
Mark Rosen
Adjunct Professor of Law
Scott Rosenberg
Adjunct Professor of Law
Michael Ross
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Neil Ross
Adjunct Professor of Law

John Rudikoff
Director of Graduate Programs and Adjunct Professor of Law

Salvatore J. Russo
Adjunct Professor of Law
Dawn Ryan
Adjunct Professor of Law
Jay Saltzman
Adjunct Professor of Law

Ashley Sawyer
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Vera Scanlon
Adjunct Professor of Law

David Shargel
Adjunct Professor of Law
Fredrick Sherman
Adjunct Professor of Law
Marshall M Silverman
Adjunct Professor of Law
Sue Silverman
Adjunct Professor of Law and Reference Librarian
Glenn E. Singer
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law

Richard J. Sobelsohn
Adjunct Professor of Law

Layaliza Soloveichik
Adjunct Professor of Law

Eran Sthoeger
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Elizabeth Stong
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law

Naomi Sunshine
Adjunct Professor of Law
Anne Swern
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
Rosali Vazquez
Adjunct Professor of Law
Shomari Ward
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law

Charles Weiss
Adjunct Professor of Law
Hon. Michelle Weston
Adjunct Professor of Law

Leah Wiederhorn
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law, Legal Fellow at the Disability and Civil Rights Clinic

Sara Winik
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Law
David J. Woll
Adjunct Professor of Law
Ariella Zarfati
Adjunct Professor of Legal Writing