Hone your legal skills in negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and client counseling
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Honor Society (“ADRHS”) is Brooklyn Law School’s distinguished accredited honors organization that prepares students for success in the newest trend in the legal profession. Students participate in alternative dispute resolution competitions across the country in various areas of the law, such as the intellectual property negotiation, international mediation, baseball arbitration, and the securities law triathlon.
ADRHS is committed to fostering an inclusive environment and equipping its members with practical skills in the field of ADR that will prepare them for the practice of law. This commitment includes deliberately creating and maintaining conditions that enable all members to be valued as they are. ADRHS creates points of entry for new members to participate while remaining fair and impartial. We are continually and collectively invested in the growth and development of our members and the Brooklyn Law School community.
Students hone their legal skills in preparation for competitions in four areas of alternative dispute resolution: negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and client counseling. Preparation for competitions through written briefs and contracts, and simulations allows students to gain experience in a unique skill set that allows them to become a better advocate for their client and a more creative problem solver.
These particular legal skills are essential to becoming a successful attorney and universally applicable to all practices of the law. Students may earn academic credit for participating in competitions and for coaching other competitors.
2023-2024 Executive Board
Matthew Huang
Vice President, Administrative Affairs
Katie O’Connell
Vice President, Competitive Affairs
Martha Dallman
Tryout Coordinator
Shiara Robinson
Co-Outreach Chair
Neda Salamzadeh
Co-Outreach Chair
Anthony Damon
Administrative Delegate
Natalie Linero
Tryout Delegate
Anike Tella-Martins
Social Affairs Delegate
Jillian Finn
Faculty Advisor
Prof. Alissa Bauer
2023-2024 ADRHS Members
Marina Barron
Naomi Boico
Henry Callander
Aniqa Chowdhury
Nick Connolly
Stephen Dawson
Zachary Elvove
Allison First
Sloane Forbush
Shay Goldberg
Matthew Hans
Kathryn Hennessy
Jonah Kaye
Matthew Masi
Liz Mayer
Olivia Morri
Mitchell Parrish
Imad Rafi
Ryan Raschella
Ali Rawaf
Nicole Reed
Logan Rudman
Ashley Schaf
Matthew Sobel
Matthew St. Jeanos
Jordan Siskind-Weiss
Selma Tabakovic
Danielle Terracciano
Sofia Vescovo
Douglas Waltzer
Saúl Amezcua
Joshua Bender
Raegan Brizek
Angela Chang
Jillian Finn
Stephanie Flores
Nicolas Forella
Joanna Garner
Jordan Gladstone
Caroline Golub
Kim Ira
Michaela Johnson
Zachary Keirn
Julian Lavin
Nathalie Linero
Zoe Mazzu
Jeffrey Miles
Nika Nejad
Christopher Orjuela
Natalia Perez-Flores
Jessica Petrucci
Theron Pickett
Lucas Pozzuto
Ian Reinickd
Tommy Riley
Maxwell Russ
Catherine Sautter
Evan Spondor
Logan Strausman
Kyle Suba
Cara Szeles
Anike Tella-Martins
Gabrielle Troya
Hayden Turk
Anish Vaidya
Corey Weisfeld
Brittany Wolfe
Jiayu Zhao
Award-Winning Teams
2023 ABA National Arbitration Competition: Semi-Finalists
Coaches: Ryan Dame, Katherine Boyko.
Competitors: Selma Tabakovic, Martha Dallman, Xinyi Geng, Zach Elvove
2023 Syracuse Law Hall of Fame Negotiation Competition: Semi-Finalists
Coaches: Ashley Shin, Veronica Krass.
Competitors: Lilly Pollak, Cara Szeles
2023 Tulane Law Professional Football Negotiation Competition: Semi-Finalist & Best Brief
Coaches: Francesca Casalino, Joe Cairo.
Competitors: Jake Rubinstein, Nick Connolly
2023 New York Law School Soccer Negotiation Competition: Finalist
Coaches: Yael Golan.
Competitors: Mitchell Parrish, Nicole Reed
2023 Southern University - Music Contract Negotiation Competition: Champion
Coach: Ellen Piazza.
Competitors: Ryan Raschella and Joe Cairo
2023 Southern University - Music Contract Negotiation Competition: Semi-Finalist
Coach: Casey Mefford.
Competitors: Mitchell Parrish, Shiara Robinson
2023 University of Miami Sneaker Law Competition. Champion
Coach: Case Mefford.
Competitors: Anthony Damon, Katherine Hennessy, Marina Barron.
2023 New York State Bar Mediation Competition. Champion
Coach: Deborah and Jonathan Van Dusen.
Competitor: Sydney Parks, Yash Tiwari, Stephen Dawson.
2023 New York State Bar Mediation Competition. Best Mediator
Competitor: Sydney Parks
2023 INADR Mediation (Italy): Top Place Advocate/Client Team, Top Place Mediator, 3rd Place Mediator Team overall
Coach: Deb Teslyar.
Competitors: Danielle Terracciano, Nick Connolly, Jonathan Van Dusen.
2023 Fordham Basketball Negotiation Competition Quarterfinalist
Coach: Francesca Casalino, Sam Caldarone.
Competitors: Jonah Kaye, Logan Rudman
2023 Fordham Basketball Negotiation Competition Semifinalists
Coach: Emma Conaway, Michelle Hayek.
Competitors: Matthew St. Jeanos, Matthew Sobel
2023 Cardozo Invitational Negotiation on Entertainment, Media & Art Competition Finalist
Coach: Casey Mefford.
Competitors: Shiara Robinson, Ellen Piazza
2023 Cardozo Invitational Negotiation on Entertainment, Media & Art Competition: Best Advocate
Competitor: Natalia Perez Flores
2023 William & Mary Law School Negotiation Competition Champion
Coach: Wilson Baer.
Competitors: Laura Alosio, Naomi Boico
2023 NEBLSA Nationals Negotiation Finalist
Coaches: Keanu Velez, Khendrick Beausoleil, Sydney Parks
Competitors: Theron Pickett, Anike Tella Martins.
2022 FINRA Securities Dispute Resolution Triathlon
First Place in Mediation
Keanu Velez, Neda Salamzadeh, and Henry Callander
Coaches: Yael Golan, Jonathan Van Dusen
2022 University of Houston Law Center National Mediation Competition
Madeline Martinez
Coach: Nina Schroeren
2022 ABA Negotiation Competition - Regionals
Kathryn Hennessey, Zane Elsisi
Coaches: Megan McCarthy, Casey Mefford
2022 Villanova MLB Filing Day
Brendan Ruiz, Jacqueline Martin, Lucas Pozzuto
Coach: Jake Rubinstein
2022 Breanu Mediation Competition
Danielle Terracciano, Imad Rafi
Coach: Maceo Torres-Trujillo
Third Place
Kaitlin O'Connell, Veronica Krass, Jenny Chen
Coaches: Julia Lee, Shina Bharadwaja
Top Mediators
Veronica Krass, Kaitlin O'Connell, Danielle Terracciano
Top Client/Advocate Pair
Imad Rafi, Veronica Krass, Danielle Terracciano, Kaitlin O'Connell
2022 Tulane International Baseball Arbitration Competition
Rosaleen Maresco, Francesca Casalino, Erica Thompson
Coaches: Samantha Shoff, Yaro Radtsevich
2022 Tulane Football Negotiation Competition
Tom Emmonds, Gus Ipsen
Coaches: Mike Meyers, Olivia Rose
2022 ABA Client Counseling Regional Competition
Jonathan Van Dusen, Janae Newmark
Coach: Camille Mangiaratti
2022 Tulane Pro Basketball Negotiation Competition
Second Place
Sherry Lin, Eamon O'Neill
Coaches: William Doheny, Audrey Ziari
2022 Sneaker Law Case Study Competition at University of Miami Law
Casey Mefford, Zane Elsisi
Coach: Spencer Goodson
2022 New York State Bar Mediation Tournament
Kat Giunta, Kevin Trimmer, Rosaleen Maresco
Coaches: Eric Raff, Megan McCarthy
Second Place
Jonathan Van Dusen, Subha Tasnim, Julia Lee
Coaches: Hasan Tariq, Sherry Lin
Best Mediator Award
Jonathan Van Dusen
2022 CPR International Mediation Competition - Brazil (Virtual)
Third Place
Deb Teslyar, Michelle Hayek, Ryan Dame
Coaches: Angelina Sanchez, Sam Bhat
Best Counsel Award
Deb Tesylar
Best Client Award
Michelle Hayek
2022 Transatlantic Negotiation Competition
Ellie Sands, Stutti Tilwa
Coaches: Meghan Johnke, Yaro Radtsevich
Best Advocate Award
Ellie Sands
2021 International Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Competiton - India (Virtual)
Sherry Lin, Austin Dowdle, Shina Bharadwaja
Coaches: Yaro Radtsevich, Gus Ipsen
2021 University of Houston Law Center National Mediation Competition
Angelina Sanchez
Coach: Xinxin Zhou
2021 National Sports Law Negotiation Competition
Ellen Piazza, Anthony Dimauro
Coaches: Yaroslav Radtsevich, Evan Tancil
2021-2022 ABA National Arbitration Competition
National Champions
Hayley Bork, Stutti Tilwa, Monica Rashed, Ryan Dame
Coaches: Allie Bravi, Olivia Rose, Cara Anstey
16th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition
Fourth Place / Semifinalists
Susan Kritzmacher, Noelle Stone, and Melissa Ronan
Coach: Robert Butlien and Kat Teng
2021 Tulane Professional Football Negotiation Competition
Second Place
Yaroslav Radtsevich, Michael Meyers
Coach: Alexa Bennett, Drew Fryhoff
2021 ABA Client Counseling Competition
First Place
Sari Kreutzer, Taylor Arluck
Coach: Eliza Simons
Honor Society Tryouts
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Honor Society Tryouts take place in the spring semester during February or March. This highly competitive mock negotiation will determine who will be invited to join the society for the following competition year.
The tryout competition is comprised of two separate rounds of multi-party negotiations that will be judged by current ADRHS members. Participants will be sent a general fact pattern and respective private facts depending on the party that they will be assigned to represent. Participants will be told certain concessions their clients have authorized and certain demands they need to meet on behalf of their client. Performance will be scored on a rubric that considers factors such as professionalism and ethics, comprehension of client’s goals, and ability to work alongside other negotiating parties. Participants will be e-mailed the rubric prior to their tryout.
The number of students admitted to join ADRHS vary based on the society’s competition needs for the following year. Typically, ADRHS offers memberships to those who score in the top 15% of all participants.
Contact ADHRS for more info: adrhs@brooklaw.edu
Transfer Students
Transfer students may be eligible for membership in ADRHS in the competition year for which they matriculate at Brooklyn Law School. Transfer students who are interested in becoming members may inquire to ADRHS at adrhs@brooklaw.edu.
Have Questions? Contact Us
General Inquiries: ADRHS@brooklaw.edu
President: matt.huang@brooklaw.edu
Alumni Contact: kaitlin.oconnel@brooklaw.edu