Coding For Lawyers
October 8, 15, 22, 29
6 to 8 p.m.
The Legal Hackers Brooklyn Law School chapter presents Coding for Lawyers.
The series will break down into 4 sessions and will be led by Lloyd Carew-Reid, the Technology Educator at Brooklyn Law School.
Note that no technical or programming background is required!
Please see below for a description of each session:
October 8: The Internet and HTML
Learning Outcomes:
How the Internet works, knowledge of IP addresses and networks, HTML language basics
Build a simple website to display a resume page and IP law topic page of your choice!
October 15: Intro to CSS
Learning Outcomes:
Apply simple stylistic changes using CSS to your resume and IP Law webpages.
October 22: CSS - Filing in the Gaps
Learning Outcomes:
More advanced CSS including external style sheets, reset.css, and The Box Model.
October 29: Optional Review Session and Wrap Up
Valuable opportunity for consolidation, development, and review.