Institutional Goals & Learning Outcomes

Brooklyn Law School is committed to instilling in its graduates the highest standards of excellence in the analytical, practical, and interpersonal aspects of being a lawyer. The Faculty provides these Learning Outcomes, in accordance with ABA Standard 302, to describe the proficiencies each student will acquire as necessary for admission to the bar and effective and ethical participation in the legal profession as an entry-level attorney:

Knowledge and understanding of substantive and procedural law
Graduating students will be able to demonstrate:
  • Thorough knowledge of the basic rules of law as contained in the law school’s core courses: Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Professional Responsibility, Property, and Torts.
  • Significant specialized knowledge in areas of interest beyond the core courses, and experience with advanced study.
  • Understanding of the legal system, sources of law, and the processes through which law is created, applied, and changed.
  • Understanding of the policies underlying laws, the impact of legal rules on society and its members, and the methods used to resolve legal disputes.
Legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, problem-solving, and written and oral communication in the legal context

Graduating students will be able to:

  • Identify relevant legal issues, synthesize relevant legal rules, and develop sound legal and policy arguments to address the issues.
  • Identify legally significant facts applicable to legal issues, and create and execute a factual development and investigation plan.
  • Create efficient and productive legal research strategies, organize and effectuate their research, and review and alter their strategies as required.
  • Work effectively to engage in and assist others in problem solving, including resolving uncertain, indeterminate, and unstructured situations.
  • Critically analyze the social and moral context in which a legal issue arises.
  • Draft basic legal and other documents that are accurate, organized, audience appropriate and responsive to the legal issue presented.
  • Orally communicate in a professional manner that is audience appropriate.
Exercise of proper professional and ethical responsibilities to clients and the legal system

Graduating students will be able to:

  • Articulate the sources, structure, and substance of law governing the ethics of the legal profession.
  • Identify, apply, and conduct themselves in accordance with the rules of professional conduct for attorneys, and the values of competence, integrity, and accountability.
  • Fulfill a lawyer’s commitment to improving access to the legal system and offering pro bono legal services.
Other professional skills needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal profession

Graduating students will be able to demonstrate:

  • Experience in a live-client or other real-life practice setting, in which they developed professional identity and values, proficiency in organizing and planning their work, and the ability to engage in self-directed, independent learning.
  • Experience in simulated legal work, including negotiating a legal agreement, in which they developed basic skills of strategic planning and collaboration.
  • Experience in delivering a persuasive oral argument.
  • Development of the ability to engage in self-reflection, consider multiple points of view, and critically analyze the legal system and legal institutions.
  • Exposure to diverse viewpoints and experiences that promote the development of empathy and the interpersonal skills necessary to succeed as professionals.