U.S. Trade and Customs Law
This course covers basic principles of Customs and International Trade law from the perspective of attorneys specializing in the field. The course begins with a discussion of the importance of world trade, the general organization of U.S. trade policy functions, and the reasons why familiarity with Customs/Trade Law issues is essential for all attorneys representing clients engaged in cross border trade. We then discuss basic principles of customs law (classification, valuation, origin and enforcement), before turning to statutes - antidumping duties, countervailing duties, escape clause (Section 201), Section 301, Section 337 - commonly known as "Trade Law," which domestic producers use to restrict injurious imports. Reading materials consist of relevant statutes and regulations, judicial decisions, administrative determinations and explanatory material.
Grading and Method of Evaluation:
Letter grade with pass/fail option.
Grading and Method of Evaluation:
Letter grade with pass/fail option.