Janet Sinder
M.S., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
A.B., Cornell University
Articles & Essays
The Effects of Demand-Driven Acquisitions on Law Library Collection Development, 108 Law Library Journal 155 (2016)
BrooklynWorks SSRNIrish Legal History: An Overview and Guide to the Sources, 93 Law Library Journal 231 (2001)
BrooklynWorksLaw School on the Liffey: My Experiences at Trinity College, Dublin, 18 Legal Reference Services Quarterly, no. 3, 101 (2000)
BrooklynWorksAcademic Freedom: A Bibliography, Law & Contemporary Problems (Summer 1990) 381
BrooklynWorksLaw Library Management: An Annotated Bibliography, 81 Law Library Journal 567 (1989)
BrooklynWorksEconomists as Judges: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography, Law and Contemporary Problems (Autumn 1987) 279
BrooklynWorksCorrecting the Record: Post-publication Corrections and the Integrity of Legal Scholarship, 112 Law Library Journal 365 (2020)
SSRNContributions to Books
Contributions to the Intellectual Life of the Institution and the Profession, in Academic Law Libraries Within the Changing Landscape of Legal Education 77 (Michelle M. Wu et al., eds., William S. Hein & Co. 2020).
BrooklynWorksShorter Works
From the Editor: Passing the Torch, 105 Law Library Journal 423 (2013)
BrooklynWorksFrom the Editor: A New Century, 100 Law Library Journal 7 (2008)
BrooklynWorksLaw Library’s Rare Book Collection Goes Back to 14th Century, 15 Duke Law Magazine (Winter 1997) 37
Answering Legal Questions: Reference or Unauthorized Practice of Law?, North Carolina Libraries (Spring 1991) 18