Norman Poser
Articles & Essays
"The Supreme Court's Janus Capital Case," 44 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 205 (2011)
"Why the SEC Failed: Regulators Against Regulation," 3 Brook. J. Corp., Fin. & Commercial L. 289 (2009).
"Why the SEC Failed: Regulators Against Regulation," 3 Brook. J. Corp., Fin. & Commercial L. 289 (2009)
"Securities Fraud and the Common Law," 1 J. Securities & Futures L. 3 (2008)
"Regulation NMS," 38 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 229 (2005)
"Introduction [Tenth Abraham L. Pomerantz Program: Wall Street in Turmoil: Who is Protecting the Investor]," 70 Brook. L. Rev. 1 (2004)
HeinOnline"Liability of Broker Dealers for Unsuitable Recommendations to Institutional Investors," 2001 BYU L. Rev. 1493 (2001) ; reprinted in 35 Sec. L. Rev. 556 (2003)
HeinOnline"The Stock Exchanges of the United States and Europe: Automation, Globalization, and Consolidation," 22 U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 497 (2001)
HeinOnline"Judicial Review of Arbitration Rewards: Manifest Disregard of the Law," 64 Brook. L. Rev. 471 (1998)
HeinOnline"Punitive Damage Awards After Mastrobuono: A Reply to Unger and Aly," 9 Sec. Arb. Commentator 1 (1997)
"Foreword [Symposium: Securities Arbitration: A Decade After McMahon]," 62 Brook. L. Rev. 1329 (1997)
HeinOnline"Making Securities Arbitration Work [Symposium: Securities Law After the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act -- Unfinished Business]," 50 SMU L. Rev. 277 (1996)
HeinOnline"Time Bars in Securities Arbitrations," 29 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 185 (1996)
"A Monument to a Regulatory System (reviewing L. Loss & J. Seligman, Securities Regulation (3d ed. 1993))," 92 Mich. L. Rev. 1791 (1994)
HeinOnline"Some Defenses in Broker-Dealer Actions," 27 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 161 (1994)
"When ADR Eclipses Litigation: The Brave New World of Securities Arbitration [Symposium: Reinventing Civil Litigation: Evaluating Proposals for Change]," 59 Brook. L. Rev. 1095 (1993) ; (reprinted in 27 Sec. L. Rev. 515 (1995))
HeinOnline"Automation of Securities Markets and the EC's Proposed Investment Services Directive," 55 Law & Contemp. Probs. 29 (1992)
HeinOnline"Deregulation of EC Securities Markets: Trading on the Bourse," J. Eur. Bus. 54 (Jan./Feb. 1991)
"Insider Trading in the United Kingdom," 24 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 25 (1991)
"The Measure of Damages in Churning Cases," 5 Insights: Corp. & Sec. L. Advisor 19 (1991)
"Conflicts of Interest Within Securities Firms," 16 Brook. J. Int'l L. 111 (1990)
HeinOnline"Big Bang and the Financial Services Act Seen Through American Eyes," 14 Brook. J. Int'l L. 317 (1988)
HeinOnline"Big Bang and the Legal Profession: An American View," 132 Solic. J. 516 (1988)
"Chinese Wall or Emperor's New Clothes? Regulating Conflicts of Interest of Securities Firms in the U.S. and the U.K," 9 Mich. J. Int'l L. 91 (1988) ; (also published in 9 Company Law. 119 (July), 159 (Sept.) and 203 (Nov.) (1988))
HeinOnline"Chinese Walls in the U.S. and the U.K.," 21 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 207 (1988)
"Warning: Insider Trading Could be Hazardous to Your Bank," Bankers Monthly 21 (1988)
"Repairing the Big Board," N.Y. Times, Dec. 16, 1987, at A35
"In the Wake of 'Big Bang': Can Wall St. Still Afford its Specialists?" N.Y. Times Nov. 9, 1986, § 3, at 2
"Arbitrability of International Securities Disputes," 21 Brook. J. Intl L. 675 (1986)
HeinOnline"Civil Liability for Unsuitable Recommendations," 19 Rev. Sec. & Commodities Reg. 67 (1986)
"Stock Market Manipulation and Corporate Control Transactions," 40 U. Miami L. Rev. 671 (1986) ; (reprinted in 20 Sec. L. Rev. 379 (1988))
HeinOnline"Brokers Who Trade Too Often," Wall St. J. May 20, 1985, at 26 (co-author: A. Pinto)
"Options Accounts Fraud: Securities Churning in a New Context," 39 Bus. Law. 571 (1984)
HeinOnline"Misuse of Confidential Information Concerning a Tender Offer as a Securities Fraud," 49 Brook. L. Rev. 1265 (1983)
HeinOnline"Book Review," 15 Rev. Sec. Reg. 876 (1982) ; (reviewing R. Karmel, Regulation by Prosecution)
"Restructuring the Stock Markets: A Critical Look at the SEC's National Market System," 56 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 883 (1981) ; (reprinted in L. Loss, Fundamentals of Securities Regulation (1983), and in 1 Selected Articles on Federal Securities Laws 10 (F. Gill ed., 1991))
HeinOnline"Reply to Lowenfels, 'A Lack of Fair Procedures in the Administrative Process: Disciplinary Proceedings at the Stock Exchanges and the NASD'," 64 Cornell L. Rev. 402 (1979) ; (reprinted in 1979 Sec. L. Rev. 203 (1979))
HeinOnline"Trading Halts and Suspension," 1 Corp. L. Rev. 253 (1978)
"A Banker's Primer on Indexing," 158 Bankers' Mag. no. 1 (1975)
"Amex Options Regulation," 8 Rev. Sec. Reg. 959 (1975) (co-author: W.J. Brodsky)
"Book Review (reviewing P. Blumberg, The Megacorporation in American Society: The Scope of Corporate Power)," 55 B.U. L. Rev. 874 (1975)
HeinOnline"Going Public in Latin America: A Seminar," 4 Int'l Law. 453 (1970)
HeinOnline"Conflicts of Duty," 2 Rev. Sec. Reg. 825 (1969) (co-author: R. Aronson)
"Supervision of Broker-Dealers," 1 Rev. Sec. Reg. 966 (1968)
"Book Review (reviewing H. Manne, Insider Trading & the Stock Market (1966))," 53 Va. L. Rev. 753 (1967)
HeinOnline"Securities Regulation in Developing Countries: The Brazilian Experience," 52 Va. L. Rev. 1283 (1966)
Escape: A Jewish Scandinavian Family in the Second World War (2006)
Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation (2d ed., 1997)
Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation: Private Rights of Action (1995)
International Securities Regulation: London's Big Bang and the European Securities Markets 1991 (& Supp. 1991-1992)
Report of Special Study of Securities Markets of the Securities and Exchange Commission, H.R. Doc. No. 95, 88th Cong., 1st sess. (1963-1964). U.S. Securities & Exchange Comm (1964)
Staff Report on Organization, Management, and Regulation of Conduct of Members of the American Stock Exchange: Special Study of Securities Markets. U.S. Securities & Exchange Comm. (1962)