Samuel Murumba
International Human Rights
Property Law
Articles & Essays
Book Review (reviewing Intellectual Property in the Global Marketplace (2d ed., 1999)) New York Law Journal (May 23, 2000) at 2
The Emerging Law of the Digital Domain and the Contract/IP Interface: An Antipodean Perspective, 26 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 91 (2000)
BrooklynWorksThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 50 and the Challenge of Global Markets: Themes and Variations, 25 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 5 (1999)
BrooklynWorksGlobalizing Intellectual Property: Linkage and the Challenge of a Justice-Constituency, 19 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law 435 (1998)
BrooklynWorksGrappling with a Grotian Moment: Sovereignty and the Search for a Normative World Order, 19 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 829 (1993)
BrooklynWorksRecordal of Other Interests on the Trademark Register, 23 Australian Business Law Review 75 (1993)
Good Legal Writing: A Guide for the Perplexed, 17 Monash University Law Review 93 (1991)
BrooklynWorksCharacter Merchandising in Australia: Welcome Home Wanderer, Industrial and Intellectual Property in Australia (1990)
Intellectual Property, 1988 Annual Survey of Australian Law 267 (1988)
Book Review (reviewing C.R. Williams & M.S. Weinberg, Property Offences (1986)), 15 Australian Business Law Review 73 (1987)
Negligence and the Child en Ventre Sa Mère, 1974/75 Makerere University Law Review (1975)
Commercial Exploitation of Personality (Law Book Company, 1986)
Contributions to Books
Trade, Peace and Human Dignity: An Inter-Play of Freedom and Cognition, in Trade as Guarantor of Peace, Liberty and Security? Critical, Historical and Empirical Perspectives (The American Society of International Law, 2006)
Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century, in Legal Visions of the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Judge Christopher Weeramantry (A. Anghie and G. Sturgess eds., Kluwer, 1998)
Passing Off, in Laws of Australia (John A. Riordan ed., Law Book Co., 1996)
The Doctrine of Precedent, in The Process of Law in Australia (G. Bird ed., Butterworths, 1988)