Brian Lee
International Law
Property Law
Articles & Essays
"Equitable Compensation" as "Just Compensation" for Takings, 10 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal 315 (2021)
BrooklynWorksUncompensated Takings: Insurance, Efficiency, and Relational Justice, 97 Texas Law Review 935 (2019)
BrooklynWorksEmergency Takings, 114 Michigan Law Review 391 (2015)
BrooklynWorksJust Undercompensation: The Idiosyncratic Premium in Eminent Domain, 113 Columbia Law Review 593 (2013)
BrooklynWorks SSRNThe Nature of Coasean Property, 59 International Review of Economics 145 (2012) (with H.E. Smith)
Making Sense of "Moral Rights" in Intellectual Property, 84 Temple Law Review 71 (2011)
BrooklynWorks SSRNPreventive War, Deterrent Retaliation, and Retrospective Disproportionality, 2009 Brigham Young University Law Review 253 (2009)
BrooklynWorksContributions to Books
Average Reciprocity of Advantage, in Philosophical Foundations of Property Law, ed. James Penner & Henry E. Smith (Oxford Univ. Press 2013)