Minna Kotkin
Civil Procedure
Employment Law
Articles & Essays
Reconsidering Confidential Settlements in the #MeToo Era, 54 University of San Francisco Law Review 517 (2020)
BrooklynWorksClinical Legal Education and the Replication of Hierarchy, 26 Clinical Law Review 287 (2019)
BrooklynWorks SSRNDiversity and Discrimination: A Look at Complex Bias, 50 William and Mary Law Review 1439 (2009)
BrooklynWorks SSRNOuting Outcomes: An Empirical Study of Confidential Employment Discrimination Settlements, 64 Washington and Lee Law Review 111 (2007)
BrooklynWorks SSRNInvisible Settlements, Invisible Discrimination, 84 North Carolina Law Review 927 (2006)
BrooklynWorks SSRNSecrecy in Context: The Shadowy Life of Civil Rights Litigation, 81 Chicago-Kent Law Review 571 (2006)
BrooklynWorksBook Review, 55 Journal of Legal Education 613 (2005) (reviewing Theresa M. Beiner, Gender Myths v. Working Realities: Using Social Science to reformulate Sexual Harassment Law (2005))
HeinOnlineWhen A Clinician Grew in Brooklyn: A Tribute to Kathleen Sullivan, 8 Clinical Law Review 25 (2001) (with S. Caplow)
BrooklynWorksCreating True Believers: Putting Macro Theory into Practice, 5 Clinical Law Review 95 (1998)
BrooklynWorksMy Summer Vacation: Reflections on Becoming a Critical Lawyer and Teacher, 4 Clinical Law Review 235 (1997)
BrooklynWorksThe Violence Against Women Act Project: Teaching a New Generation of Public Interest Lawyers, 4 Journal of Law and Policy 435 (1996)
BrooklynWorksProfessionalism, Gender and the Public Interest: The Advocacy of Protection, 8 St. Thomas Law Review 157 (1995)
BrooklynWorksDiscovery in the Real World, 46 University of Florida Law Review 115 (1994)
BrooklynWorksBook Review, New York Law Journal (May 24, 1990) at 2, col. 3 (reviewing C.L. Cooper, The Insider's Guide to the Top Fifteen Law Schools (1990)
"Public Remedies for Private Wrongs: Rethinking the Title VII Back Pay Remedy, 41 Hastings Law Journal 1301 (1990)
BrooklynWorksThe Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988: New Strategies for New Procedures, 17 New York University Journal of Law and Social Change 755 (1990)
BrooklynWorksReconsidering Role Assumption in Clinical Education, 19 New Mexico Law Review 185 (1989)
BrooklynWorksContributions to Books
Individual Rights and Discrimination, in Representing People with Disabilities (P. Danziger, ed., 2d ed., New York State Bar Association 1997)
The Law School Clinic: A Training for Public Interest Lawyers, in Educating for Justice: Social Values and Legal Education (J. Cooper and L. G. Trubek, eds., Ashgate, 1997)
Monetary Relief, in Sexual Harassment in Employment Law (B. Lindemann and D. Kadue, eds., Bureau of National Affairs, 1992)
Housing Discrimination, in Representing People with Disabilities (P. Danziger, ed., New York State Bar Association, 1991)
Working Papers
Of Authorship and Audacity: an Empirical Study of Gender Disparity and Privilege in the “Top Ten” Law Reviews(2009)