Hon. Claire Kelly
VJIL Symposium: Doctor, Heal Thyself – A Commentary on Professor Sungjoon Cho’s Critique of Shaffer and Trachtman, Opino Juris (Apr. 12, 2012)
WebThe Promises and Perils of Global Governance: A Case of the G20, 12 Chicago Journal of Internation Law 491 (2012) (with S. Cho)
HeinOnline SSRNIntroduction, Governing Civil Society, 36 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 813 (2011) (with D. Brakman Reiser)
HeinOnlineLinking NGO Accountability and the Legitimacy of Global Governance, 36 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 1011 (2011) (with D. Brakman-Reiser)
HeinOnline SSRNThe Brand X Liberation: Doing Away with Chevron’s Second Step and Other Doctrines of Deference, 44 University of California at Davis Law Review 151 (2010)
HeinOnline SSRNIntroductory Note To The WTO Panel Report: United States - Anti-Dumping Measures On Polyethylene Retail Carrier Bags From Thailand, 49 International Legal Materials 934 (2010)
HeinOnlinePromises and Perils of New Global Governance: Examining the New Role of the G20 University of Bern World Trade Institute, Bern, Switzerland (Sept. 2010)
Institutional Alliances and Derivative Legitimacy, 29 Michigan Journal of International Law 605 (2008)
HeinOnlineAn Evolutionary Endeavour: Teaching Scholarly Writing to Law Students, 12 Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing 285 (2006)
HeinOnlinePower, Linkage and Accommodation: The WTO as an International Actor and Its Influence on Other Actors and Regimes, 24 Berkeley Journal of International Law 79 (2006)
HeinOnline SSRNThe Dangers of Daubert Creep in the Regulatory Realm, 14 Journal of Law and Policy 165 (2006) (reprinted in 14 Journal of National Association Administrative Law Judges (Fall 2006))
HeinOnlineEnmeshment as a Theory of Compliance, 37 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (2005)
HeinOnlineRealist Theory and Real Constraints, 44 Virginia Journal of International Law (2004)
HeinOnlineThe War on Jurisdiction: Troubling Questions about Executive Order 13303, 46 Arizona Law Review 483 (2004)
HeinOnline SSRNCommentary, Remnants of Customs Litigation in the Supreme Court, 26 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 861 (2001)
HeinOnlineThe Value Vacuum: Self-enforcing Regimes and the Dilution of the Normative Feedback Loop, 22 Michigan Journal of International Law 673 (2001)
HeinOnlineOnce More unto the Breach: Reconciling Chevron Analysis and De Novo Judicial Review after United States v. Haggar Apparel Company, 49 American University Law Review 1167 (2000) (with P.C. Reed)
HeinOnlineDoes the Commerce Clause Eclipse the Export Clause, 84 Minnesota Law Review 129 (1999)
HeinOnlineBook Review, 38 Virginia Journal of International Law 547 (1998) (reviewing P. Reed, The Role of Federal Courts in U.S. Customs and International Trade Law (1997))
HeinOnlineContributions to Books
Conceptions of Legitimacy among International Entities in the Global Political Economy in Law, Contestation, and Power in the Global Political Economy (C. Cutler and E. Cohen, eds., Hart Publishing, forthcoming 2013)
The Future of International Networks of Market Regulators and the Role of Stakeholders and Civil Society, in The Accountability of Financial Regulators: Lessons from the Financial Crisis (P. Igelsia-Rodriquez Ed., Maastricht University Press, forthcoming 2013)
The Politics of Lgeitimacy in the UNCITRAL Working Methods, in The Politics of International Economic Law (T. Broude et al eds., Cambridge University Press, 2010)
Primer on Trade Adjustment Assistance Cases, (Customs & International Trade Bar Association, Subcommittee on Trade Adjustment Assistance 2005)
The Role of the G20 in WTO Governance: Opportunities for Collaboration, WTO Public Forum, Geneva, Switzerland (Sept. 2010)
Financial Crisis and Civil Society at the International Financial and Monetary Law Conference, Cardozo School of Law, New York (June 2010)
Shorter Works
The Sociological Pull of Soft Law, 106 American Society of International Law Proceedings ____ (2013)
The Evolving International Trade Order: Global Sourcing and New Challenges to the WTO System in WTO Public Forum 2011: Seeking Answers to Global Trade Challenges (2012)
PDFCourt of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Announces Equal Protection Exception for Customs Cases: Totes-Isotoner v. United States, 14 American Society International Law Insight (2010)
WebDoes a Presidential Iraq Executive Order Take Away Tort Victims' Right To Sue? Protecting Halliburton at the Expense of Injured Workers, FindLaw (Nov. 3, 2003) (with T. Sebok)