Edward Janger
Business Law
Commercial Transactions
Articles & Essays
Aggregation and Abuse: Mass Torts in Bankruptcy, 91 Fordham Law Review 361 (2022)
BrooklynWorksFit for Its Ordinary Purpose: Implied Warranties and Common Law Duties for Consumer Finance Contracts, 59 Houston Law Review 551 (2022) (with Susan Block-Lieb)
Global Erie and its Limits: Channeling Jurisdictional Competition for Procedure, 56 Texas International Law Journal 181 (2022)
BrooklynWorksPrivate Equity & Industries in Transition: Debt, Discharge, & Sam Gerdano, 71 Syracuse Law Review 521 (2021)
BrooklynWorksConsumer Bankruptcy and Race: Current Concerns and a Proposed Solution, 33 Loyola Consumer Law Review 328 (2021)
BrooklynWorksRoberta Karmel and the "Brooklyn School," 16 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 5 (2021)
BrooklynWorksThe Proceduralist Inversion – A Response to Skeel, 130 Yale Law Journal Forum 335 (2020-2021) (with Adam Levitin)
BrooklynWorksValue Tracing and Priority in Cross-Border Group Bankruptcies: Solving the Nortel Problem from the Bottom up, 27 University of Miami International & Comparative Law Review 334 (2020) (with Stephan Madaus)
BrooklynWorksWarranty, Product Liability and Transaction Structure: The Problem of Amazon, 15 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 49 (2020) (with Aaron Twerski)
BrooklynWorksThe U.S. Small Business Bankruptcy Amendments: A Global Model for Reform?, 29 International Insolvency Review 254 (2020)
BrooklynWorksLas Enmiendas al Concurso de Pequeñas Empresas en Estados Unidos: ¿Un Modelo Para la Reforma Global?, 32 Revista de Derecho Concursal y Paraconcursal 273 (2020)
The Heavy Hand of Amazon: A Seller Not a Neutral Platform, 14 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Financial & Commercial Law 259 (2020) (with Aaron Twerski)
BrooklynWorks SSRNOne Dollar, One Vote: Mark-to-Market Governance in Bankruptcy, 104 Iowa Law Review 1857 (2019)
BrooklynWorks SSRNThe Creditors' Bargain Reconstituted: Comments on Barry Adler's The Creditors' Bargain Revisited, 167 University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online 47 (2019)
BrooklynWorks SSRNBadges of Opportunism: Principles for Policing Restructuring Support Agreements, 13 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Finance & Commercial Law 169 (2018) (with Adam Levitin)
BrooklynWorksTracing Equity: Realizing and Allocating Value in Chapter 11, 96 Texas Law Review 673 (2018) (with Melissa Jacoby)
BrooklynWorks SSRNConstitutive Compliance, 30 Loyola Consumer Law Review 104 (2018)
BrooklynWorksTowards a Jurisprudence of Public Law Bankruptcy Judging, 12 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Finance & Commercial Law 39 (2017)
BrooklynWorksImplementing Symmetric Treatment of Financial Contracts in Bankruptcy and Bank Insolvency, 10 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 155 (with John Pottow) (Fall 2015)
BrooklynWorksSilos: Establishing the Distributional Baseline in Cross-Border Bankruptcies, 9 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 85 (2014)
BrooklynWorksIce Cube Bonds: Allocating the Price of Process in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, 123 Yale Law Journal 862 (with M.B. Jacoby)(2014)
BrooklynWorks SSRNReforming Regulation in the Markets for Home Loans, 38 Fordham Urban Law Journal 681 (2011) (with S. Block-Lieb)
BrooklynWorks SSRNLocating the Regulation of Data Privacy and Data Security, 5 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 97(2010)
BrooklynWorksReciprocal Comity, 46 Texas International Law Journal 441 (2011)
BrooklynWorksConsumer Credit and Competition: The Puzzle of Competitive Credit Markets, 6 European Competition Journal 68 (2010) (with S. Block-Lieb)
BrooklynWorks SSRNThe Costs of Liquidity Enhancement: Transparency, Risk Alteration and Coordination Problems, 4 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial & Commercial Law 38 (2010)
BrooklynWorks SSRNDemand-Side Gatekeepers in the Market for Home Loans, 82 Temple Law Review 465 (2009) (with S. Block-Lieb)
BrooklynWorks SSRNUniversal Proceduralism, 32 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 819 (2007)
BrooklynWorksNotification of Security Breaches, 105 Michigan Law Review 913 (2007) (with P.M. Schwartz)
BrooklynWorks SSRNThe Myth of the Rational Borrower: Behaviorism, Rationality and the Misguided Reform of Bankruptcy Law, 84 Texas Law Review 1481 (2006) (with S. Block-Lieb)
BrooklynWorks SSRNGenetic Information, Privacy and Insolvency, 33 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 79 (2005)
BrooklynWorksThe Death of Secured Lending, 25 Cardozo Law Review 1759 (2004)
BrooklynWorksThe Reliance Interest in Insolvency Law: A Response to Harris and Mooney, 25 Cardozo Law Review 1895 (2004)
BrooklynWorksMuddy Property: Generating and Protecting Information Privacy Norms in Bankruptcy, 44 William and Mary Law Review 1801 (2003)
BrooklynWorks SSRNPrivacy Property, Information Costs and the Anticommons, 54 Hastings Law Journal 899 (2003)
BrooklynWorksMuddy Rules for Securitization Transactions, 7 Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law 301 (2002)
BrooklynWorksThe Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Information Privacy, and the Limits of Default Rules, 86 Minnesota Law Review 1219 (2002) (with P.M. Schwartz)
BrooklynWorksCrystals and Mud in Bankruptcy Law: Judicial Competence and Statutory Design, 43 Arizona Law Review 559 (2001)
BrooklynWorks SSRNThe Locus of Lawmaking: Uniform State Law, Federal Law, and Bankruptcy Reform, 74 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 97 (2000)
BrooklynWorksThe Public Choice of Choice of Law in Software Transactions: Jurisdictional Competition and the Dim Prospects for Uniformity, 26 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 187 (2000)
BrooklynWorksBrandeis, Progressivism, and Commercial Law: Rethinking Benedict v. Ratner, 37 Brandeis Law Review 63 (1998-1999)
BrooklynWorksPredicting When The Uniform Law Process Will Fail: Article 9, Capture and the Race to the Bottom, 83 Iowa Law Review 569 (1998)
BrooklynWorks SSRNStrategies for Preserving the Bankruptcy Trustee's Avoidance Power against States after Seminole Tribe, 23 Ohio Northern University Law Review 1431 (1997)
BrooklynWorksThe FDIC's Fraudulent Conveyance Power under the Crime Control Act of 1990: Bank Insolvency Law and the Politics of the Iron Triangle, 28 Connecticut Law Review 67 (1995)
BrooklynWorksExpert Negotiation Brings New Approach to Prison Litigation in Hawaii, 6 National Prison Project Journal 6 (Winter 1985)
Understanding Bankruptcy (LexisNexis, 2d Ed. 2007) (with J. Ferriell)
Business Reorganizations (LexisNexis 3rd Ed. 2006) (with others)
Contributions to Books
Bankruptcy Sales, in Handbook on Corporate Bankruptcy (Barry Adler ed., 2020) (with Melissa Jacoby)
Anonymous Disclosure of Security Breaches: Mitigating Harm and Facilitating Coordinated Response, in Securing Privacy in the Internet Age (Stanford University Press 2008) (with P. Schwartz)
Consumer Bankruptcy Law and the Heuristic Borrower, in Law and Psychology (B. Brooks-Gordon & M. Freeman eds., Oxford University Press 2006)
Brandeis, Business Ethics and Enron, in Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications (N. Rapoport and B. Dharan eds., Foundation Press, 2004)
The Enron Bankruptcy: Financial Engineering, Recharacterization, Substantive Consolidation, and Avoidance, in Enron: Corporate Fiascos and Their Implications (N. Rapoport and B. Dharan eds., Foundation Press, 2004)
The Automatic Stay, in Business Reorganizations (M. Gerber ed., Matthew Bender & Co., 2000)
Baby Lehman: A Functional Approach to Non-SIFI Resolution, 27 Norton Journal of Bankruptcy Law & Practice 591 (2018)
The Market for Corporate Control In the Zone of Insolvency: Symposium Introduction, 13 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Finance.& Commercial Law (2018).
Secured Credit, Reorganizations, and Workouts [Lectures to Judges of the Higher Arbitration Court (Commercial Court) of the Ukraine, sponsored by USAID and the Supreme Court of Ohio's Ukraine/Ohio Rule of Law Program (June 1995, Kiev)]