William Hellerstein
Articles & Essays
"A Year to Remember: The Supreme Court's Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment Jurisprudence for the 2003 Term [Symposium: Sixteenth Annual Supreme Court Review Program]," 20 Touro L. Rev. 831 (2005)
HeinOnline"Surprise Symphony: The Supreme Court's Major Criminal Law Rulings of the 2002 Term [Symposium: The Fifteenth Annual Supreme Court Review]," 20 Touro L. Rev. 279 (2004)
HeinOnline"Book Review (reviewing J.T. Noonan, Jr., Narrowing the Nation's Power: The Supreme Court Sides with the States (2002))," N.Y.L.J., Oct. 24, 2002, at 2
"Book Review (reviewing A. Hutchinson & D. Garrow (eds.), The Forgotten Memoir of John Knox: a Year in the Life of a Supreme Court Clerk in FDR's Washington (2002))," N.Y.L.J., June 21, 2002, at 2
"Section 1983 Fourth Amendment Cases From the Current Term [The Practising Law Institute's 17th Annual Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation Program]," 18 Touro L. Rev. 691 (2002)
HeinOnline"The Line Holds, But Death May Matter: The Supreme Court's Criminal Procedure Decisions of the 2001 Term [Symposium: The Fourteen Annual Supreme Court Review]," 19 Touro L. Rev. 1 (2002)
HeinOnline"Much Ado About Some Things: Fourth Amendment Rulings Dominate the Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions in the 2000 Term [Symposium: The Thirteenth Annual Supreme Court Review]," 18 Touro L. Rev. 75 (2001)
HeinOnline"Shakin' & Bakin': The Supreme Court's Remarkable Criminal Law Rulings of the 1999 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1999-2000 Term]," 17 Touro L. Rev. 163 (2001)
HeinOnline"Book Review (reviewing T.E. Yarbrough, The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution)," N.Y.L.J. May 9, 2000, at 2
"Filling in Some Pieces: The Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions in the 1998-1999 Term [Annual Issue on New York State Constitutional Law: Trends and Developments]," 16 Touro L. Rev. 305 (2000)
HeinOnline"Secrecy and the Criminal Justice System [The David G. Trager Public Policy Symposium: Behind Closed Doors: Secret Justice in America]," 9 J.L. & Pol'y 5 (2000) (co-panelists: A. Liptak, G.L. Shargel, M.B. Mukasey, M.J. White)
HeinOnline"Much Sound, Not Too Much Fury: The Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions During the 1997 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and State and Local Government Law: The 1997-98 Term]," 15 Touro L. Rev. 889 (1999)
HeinOnline"Off Broadway: The Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions in the 1996 Term Take Second Stage in an Historic Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1996-97 Term]," 14 Touro L. Rev. 337 (1998)
HeinOnline"It Was a Very Good Year -- For the Government: The Supreme Court's Major Criminal Rulings of the 1995-1996 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1995-96 Term]," 13 Touro L. Rev. 395 (1997)
HeinOnline"Book Review (reviewing The Prince of Darkness and the Shortness of Memory: Harold Rothwax's Guilty: The Collapse of Criminal Justice)," 62 Brook. L. Rev. 1137 (1996)
HeinOnline"Tiptoeing Through the Tulips: The Supreme Court's Major, but Modest by Comparison, Criminal Law Rulings during the 1994-95 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1994-95 Term,]" 12 Touro L. Rev. 267 (1996)
HeinOnline"Calmer Seas: The Supreme Court's Major Criminal Law Rulings of the 1993-94 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1993-94 Term]," 11 Touro L. Rev. 361 (1995)
HeinOnline"Sotto Voce: The Supreme Court's Low Key But Not Insignificant Criminal Law Rulings during the 1992 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1992-93 Term," 10 Touro L. Rev. 355 (1994)
HeinOnline"A Quiet Year: The Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions during the 1991 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law, 1991-92 Term]," 9 Touro L. Rev. 305 (1993)
HeinOnline"Book Review (reviewing D. Savage, Turning Right: The Making of the Rehnquist Supreme Court)," 58 Brook. L. Rev. 913 (1992)
HeinOnline"The Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments: The Supreme Court's Major Search and Seizure, Interrogation, and Criminal Jury Selection Decisions during the 1990 Term," 9 Touro L. Rev. 39 (1992)
HeinOnline"Local Governmental Interests and Individual Rights under the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments: How They Fared in the 1989 Term," 7 Touro L. Rev. 319 (1991)
HeinOnline"A Tribute to Bernie Becker," 17 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 399 (1991)
HeinOnline"Capital Punishment in New York: Is it Worth the Human Price?," 58 The Justinian 10 (1989)
"The Fourth Amendment [Symposium on the Supreme Court and Local Government Law]," 6 Touro L. Rev. 31 (Fall 1989)
HeinOnline"Criminal Justice and Human Rights in Northern Ireland," 43 R. A.B. City N.Y. 110 (1988) (co-authors: R. McKay & P. Schlam)
"Reflections on Judge Irving Lang," N.Y.L.J., Oct. 1, 1987, at 2, col. 3
"Book Review (reviewing H. Schwartz (ed.), The Burger Years: Rights and Wrongs in the Supreme Court, 1969-1986)," N.Y.L.J., Aug. 14, 1987, at 2 col. 3
"Appellate Advocacy for the Defense," 9 Defender 39 (1987)
"Adult Bookstores with Something Extra: Nuisance Abatement Statutes and Prior Restraint," Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. no. 440 (1986)
"Closing Remarks [Symposium on the Sixth Amendment]," 14 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 271 (1986)
HeinOnline"What about Legal Aid?," 35 Harv. L. Bull. 18 (1984)
"The Challenge of Judicial Selection," 4 Just. Dep't Watch 1 (1981)
"The Impact of Greenholtz on Parole Eligibility Requirements," 2 Prison L. Monitor 175 (1980) (co-author: D. Zuckerman)
"Prison Crisis Litigation: Problems and Suggestions," 21 Buff. L. Rev. 643 (1972) (co-author: B. Shapiro)
HeinOnline"The Importance of the Misdemeanor Case on Trial and Appeal," 28 Legal Aid Briefcase 151 (1970)
"The Narcotic Control Act of 1966: A Time for Caution," 65 Legal Aid Rev. 5 (1967)
"Book Review (reviewing T. Szasz, Psychiatric Justice)," N.Y.L.J., May 27, 1966, at 4
"The Benign Quota: Equal Protection and 'the Rule in Shelley's Case'," 17 Rutgers L. Rev. 531 (1963)
Prison conditions in Jamaica (1990) (co-author: Lois Whitman)
Contributions to Books
"No Rights of Prisoners," in The Rehnquist Court: Judicial Activism on the Right (H. Schwartz ed., 2002)
"The Supreme Court's Fourth Amendment Decisions of the 2000 Term," 17th Annual Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation (E. Chemerinsky, G.C. Pratt, M. Schwartz eds., 2001)
"United States of America," International Law of Export Control. (Karl M. Meessen ed., 1992) (co-author: Michael Reisman)
"Final Report to the Chief Judge of the State of New York, Commission on the Future of Indigent Legal Services," (2006)
"The Miranda Wars Reopen: Border Skirmish or Major Conflagration?," 4 BLS LawNotes 6 (Fall 1999)