Maryellen Fullerton
Civil Procedure
Federal Courts
Human Rights Law
Immigration Law
International Law
Articles & Essays
Temporary Protection for Ukrainians in the European Union: Why Now and When Again? 57 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 91 (2024)
BrooklynWorksBorders, Bans, & Courts in the European Union, 23 Roger Williams Law Review 393 (2018)
BrooklynWorksRefugees and the Primacy of European Human Rights Law, 21 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 45 (2017)
BrooklynWorksTrump, Turmoil, & Terrorism: The U.S. Immigration and Refugee Ban, 29 International Journal of Refugee Law 327 (2017)
PDFAsylum Crisis Italian Style: The Dublin Regulation Collides with European Human Rights Law, 29 Harvard Human Rights Law Journal 57 (2016)
BrooklynWorks PDFBook Review, Refugee Law: The Most Powerful International Human Rights Mechanism, 109 American Journal of International Law 908 (2015) (reviewing The Law of Refugee Status)
PDFComparative Perspectives on Statelessness and Persecution, 63 University of Kansas Law Review 863 (2015)
BrooklynWorks SSRN PDFA Tale of Two Decades: War Refugees and Asylum Policy in the European Union and the United States, 10 Washington University Global Studies Law Review 87 (2011)
BrooklynWorks SSRNTerrorism, Torture, and Refugee Protection in the United States, 29 Refugee Survey Quarterly 4 (2010)
WebInadmissible in Iberia: The Fate of Asylum Seekers in Spain and Portugal, 17 International Journal of Refugee Law 659 (2005)
BrooklynWorksCuban Exceptionalism: Migration and Asylum in Spain and the United States, 35 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review 527 (2004)
BrooklynWorksAsylum on the Eve of Accession: European Union Developments and Perspectives, 98 American Society of International Law Proceedings 255 (2004)
Failing the Test: Germany Leads Europe in Dismantling Refugee Protection, 36 Texas International Law Journal 231 (2001)
BrooklynWorksEnforcing Judgments Abroad: The Global Challenge: Introduction, 24 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 1 (1998)
BrooklynWorksHungary, Refugees, and the Law of Return, 8 International Journal of Refugee Law 499 (1996)
BrooklynWorksHuman Rights Monitoring in Germany: A Rejoinder, 18 Human Rights Quarterly 843 (1996)
BrooklynWorksRecent Developments in Refugee Protection, 11 New York Law School Journal of Human Rights 467 (1994)
BrooklynWorksA Comparative Look at Refugee Status Based on Persecution Due to Membership in a Particular Social Group, 26 Cornell International Law Journal 505 (1993)
BrooklynWorksBook Review, 86 American Journal of International Law 421 (1992) (reviewing N. Lerner, Group Rights and Discrimination in International Law (1991))
HeinOnlinePersecution Based on Membership in a Particular Social Group: Jurisprudence in the Federal Republic of Germany, 4 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 381 (1990)
BrooklynWorksRestricting the Flow of Asylum-Seekers in Belgium, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the Netherlands: New Challenges to the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the European Convention on Human Rights, 29 Virginia Journal of International Law 33 (1989)
BrooklynWorksHijacking Trials Overseas: The Need for an Article III Court, 28 William and Mary Law Review 1 (1986)
BrooklynWorksLack of Judgment in Berlin, 59 Temple Law Quarterly 1345 (1986) (reviewing H.J. Stern, Judgment in Berlin (1984))
HeinOnlineStrategies for Ameliorating the Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions: A Guide for Defense Attorneys, 23 American Criminal Law Review 425 (1986) (with N. Kinigstein)
BrooklynWorksConstitutional Limits on Nationwide Personal Jurisdiction in the Federal Courts, 79 Northwest University Law Review 1 (1984)
BrooklynWorksFederal Courts Commentary -- Exploring the Far Reaches of Mandamus, 49 Brooklyn Law Review 1125 (1983)
HeinOnlineNo Light at the End of the Pipeline: Confusion Surrounds Legislative Courts, 49 Brooklyn Law Review 207 (1983)
Immigration and Nationality Laws of the United States: Selected Statutes, Regulations and Forms (with T. Alexander Aleinikoff, David Martin, Hiroshi Motomura, Juliet Stumpf, and Pratheepan Gulasekaram) (2022)
Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (with T. Alexander Aleinikoff, David Martin, Hiroshi Motomura, Juliet Stumpf, and Pratheepan Gulasekaram) (9th ed. 2021)
Immigration and Nationality Laws of the United States: Selected Statutes, Regulations and Forms (West, 2016, 2012 and 2011) (with others)
The Refugee Law Reader: Cases, Documents, and Materials (6th ed. 2011, 5th ed. 2008) (ed. with others)
WebImmigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy (West 8th ed. 2016, 7th ed. 2012, 6th ed. 2008 2015) (with others)
Forced Migration: Law and Policy (Thomson West 2007, 2015) (with others)
Diasporas and Politics (Center for Migration and Refugee Studies, 2001) (co-ed. with others)
From Improvisation toward Awareness?: Contemporary Migration Politics in Hungary (Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2001) (co-ed. with others)
Germany for Germans: Xenophobia and Racist Violence in Germany (Human Rights Watch 1995)
Refugees and Migrants: Hungary at a Crossroads (Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1995) (co-ed. with others)
Federal Civil Litigation Handbook: A Guide for Pro Se Litigants in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Government Printing Office 1986)
Contributions to Books
Concurring Opinion, Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678 (2001), in Feminist Judgments: Immigration Law Opinions Rewritten (Kathleen Kim, Kevin Lapp, & Jennifer Lee eds., forthcoming 2023)
Asylum Ambivalence: Policy and Process in the United States In Oxford Handbook of Comparative Immigration Law (Kevin Cope, Stella Elias & Jill Goldenziel eds., forthcoming 2023)
Vicarious Emotional Trauma: Gender Dimensions of Working with Refugees, in Migrant Women and Gender-Based Violence in the International and European Legal Framework (Angela Di Stasi et al. eds., 2023)
Offshoring Asylum in the United States, in The Feasibility of 'Offshoring' Asylum Processing and Migration in the EU: A Comparative Assessment of International Experiences (Center for European Policy Studies, 2018)
Portugal and European Union Asylum Policy, in Comparative Law: Portuguese-American Perspectives, Vol. III (Marshall Berger & Dário Vicente, eds. 2016)
Johnson, Frank Minis Jr. (1918-1999), in Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge, 2006) (P. Finkelman ed.)
The International and National Protection of Refugees, in Guide to International Human Rights Practice (Transnational Publishing 4th ed. 2004) (H. Hannum ed.)
A Comprehensive Migration Policy for Hungary: The Time is Now, in Diasporas and Politics (Centre for Migration and Refugee Studies, 2001) (co-ed. with others)
Le Droit d'Asile aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique [Asylum Law in the United States of America], in Droit d'Asile [Right Of Asylum] (F. Rigaux ed., 1988)
Le Mouvement des Sanctuaires aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique [The Sanctuary Movement in the United States of America], in Droit d'Asile [Right Of Asylum] (F. Rigaux ed. 1988)
A Solipsistic Settler Society: The United States, Mass Migration & International Law Proceedings of the Italian Society for International Law (2017)
Transnational Teaching Tools: On-Line Materials, Legal Clinics, and Refugee Law, for the AALS Conference on Educating Lawyers for Transnational Challenges (2004)